Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fall for Grove

One of the things I love most about living in Oklahoma is spending time up at Grand Lake. My favorite time of year there is autumn. Granted,  I don't have the opportunity to go up there often that time of year, but when I do, I love it. It's crisp, peaceful, and beautiful. If you ever have the chance to go this time of year, you won't be disappointed.

While you're there, make sure you take the time to swing into Grove and take a turn through their downtown area. It's not as large as some of the downtowns or Main Streets that I have been to, but it offers some gems that it would be a shame to miss. Let me walk you through my stroll down Third Street in Grove.

Parking on the edge of the downtown district, the first store I went in was Grove Sports Center, a store with pretty much anything you would need to spending a weekend at the lake. Around the corner, though, was a place I almost passed by because it looked like just a screen printing and embroidery shop. Fortunately, though, it had a rack of adorable clothes for girls out front that caught my eye. As I perused the rack, the owner of Fine Threads came outside and I asked her about the shop, and what I discovered was that it is so much more than just a screen printing and embroidery shop. While certainly they can fix you up with a t-shirt design of your choosing, including bling-y shirts while you wait, they also have the largest selection of bows in the 4-state area, including some made from their own specially made ribbon for the Grove Ridgerunners. In the back of the store is Sassy Pants, which is a children's boutique with some of the most adorable outfits for little girls. Definitely, worth a visit for anyone who has little girl in his or her life.

My next stop on Third Street was a fairly new business (they had only been open for about a month at the time) called the Unique Boutique. Light and spacious, this store was a combination of old and new. There were antiques on consignment, farm tables, dishes (new and antique), and even some eclectic items like a cocktail table made of an old munitions box with legs made of artillery shells. If you enjoy antiquing and shopping for home decor, you definitely want to take a look in this store.

 As I continued on down the block, I found a store, actually gallery, that had caught my eye as I had driven down the street, In the Spirit of Things. Not only is the store full of beautiful pieces of art by the owner/artist in residence, but she offers painting and crafting classes as well. It's a bit like Pinot's Palette meets Plum Craft Crazy (see my blog on Collinsville's Main Street). So, if you're not from Grove but are going to be in the area with your girlfriends, or you live in Grove, you should check it out as a fun night out option. I know it would definitely be on my to-do list if I lived there. But even if you don't have the time to take a class, you should still stop in to see and possibly buy some beautiful art. (The pink Frozen wreath, by the way, came home with me that day--but I'm sure she has made some more since then.)

 Making my way back down the street, I found two stores that caught my interest. The first was Weathered Charm, a home decor store. It was one of those places that I could have easily spent an hour in just smelling candles. But there was so much more to offer than just candles. Everywhere I turned there was a nook or cranny brimming with figurines, pictures, paintings, candles, wreaths, furniture, and more. It was one of those stores that I could walk through several times and find something I had missed with each delightful pass through. And, of course, with so many candles around, it smelled heavenly as well.

Right next door to Weathered Charm was another home decor store, though it really felt as much a gallery as it did a store, and indeed that is the description the owner uses, "The Gallery of Repurposed Design." A mixture of consignment, resale, and repurposed items, Redemption Implements was one of the most fascinating stores I have been in. From the lion bench carved from a tree trunk, to the hand-made Lego tables, to the one-of-a-kind bar they were selling for a friend, to the carousel tiger, to the lamp the owner's husband made out of old tractor parts (which I would have bought in an instant if I had the money to redo my kitchen the way that I want to), I couldn't help but love this store. If you are decorating a lake home, or really any room where you want an eclectic touch, I recommend stopping by Redemption Implements. I doubt you will be disappointed.

With that being the last store to stop in, I made my way back up Third Street. A morning of shopping having made me hungry, I stopped in at GoodFella's Pizza and had a small Mob Boss for lunch. They didn't disappoint, and neither did Grove. So as you're out and about this fall looking for something to do, keep Grove in mind. I think you'll find passing a Saturday in its downtown district a pleasant venture, and with the Christmas season fast approaching, who knows, you may find that perfect gift for that special person on your list as well.

As I wrap this us, I hope you will indulge me in one final sentiment. Writing this has mad me recall a thought I had as I was walking down Third Street. When I first drove down the street to get a feel for the layout of the district, I almost turned around and headed back to the lake because it seemed so barren; but I didn't. I had wanted to visit Grove's downtown for a while, and I decided I wasn't going to give up on it just because my first pass didn't look too appealing. Walking the street, though, gave me a perspective that driving it didn't. I was able to really see what gems it had to offer, and I was glad I didn't skip it. Many of our communities are like Grove, working hard to breathe life back into areas of our towns and cities that had been forgotten about for decades. So they may be a little dusty and appear a little empty, but take the time to get out and see them intimately. You won't regret the choice. If you blow off a bit of the dust, you will see that many of these Main Streets and downtown districts are diamonds in the rough.

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