Sadly, with urban sprawl, businesses started to move away from our Main Streets and into shopping malls or centers, where, with numerous modes of transportation, customers were taking their business. And as the local business owners followed their customers, these beautiful tributes to a bygone era were shut up and left to molder.
Fortunately, in the past twenty-five years, our Main Streets have begun to be reborn and to take on new life. Small business owners have taken to restoring these buildings and putting in restaurants, antique shops, and boutiques on their ground levels, while turning their upper levels into either storage or trendy apartments that young and old alike are clamoring to rent.
It makes me happy to see these old buildings yawn and come back to life, because I have always found something exciting and Norman Rockwell-esque about strolling down Main with shopping bags on my arms, looking in windows and popping in and out of stores to see what treasures may await me.
And because I love Main Streets so much, I want to commemorate them. I want to ensure that they continue to breathe and grow and evolve. I want other people to find the magic in them that I do. That's why I wanted to start this blog.
Each month I want to focus on a Main Street in a different town or city, starting, of course, with my own, and to share with you all the wonderful businesses that have opened up on these streets and what they have to offer. I hope that you'll in turn go visit these shops and restaurants and consider spending your money in them. After all, our Main Streets won't continue to thrive if we don't shop them. And with fall and winter, and the holidays those seasons bring, right around the corner, what a perfect time to start introducing you to local businesses where you can spend your money on original gifts you cannot find at your local shopping mall.
So, please, join me on my journey. And if you have a special Main Street that you feel needs to be visited and written about, by all means, let me know. I'd love to get over there. In the mean time, patronize your local businesses, and if you have a local Main Street Board or Foundation, see how you can help it out, too, whether through volunteering or through your donations, because these are the people behind the scenes working hard to keep their shop owners happy and to bring clients to these Main Street businesses.
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